Friday, December 27, 2013

December Re-cap

December has been a crazy month for me! I did a show on First Saturday at Venus on the Half Shell, Jen and I hosted another Village Bazaar at Cafe Nola, and I had numerous christmas jobs for friends and family!!!! Here are some photos to re-cap the month! Enjoy!
This is a kids dress I made from a vintage pattern using vintage fabric

Here I am setting up my pop-up shop the night before the show! It took me hours!!

Island of the mis-fit toys! Notice my teddy bear is missing a leg! I left it in my studio haha

Anika modeled several of my dresses at the show! She is such a cutie and wears my dresses so well! Notice in the bottom right photo the hanging lace hoops, I hand made those all with left over lace from studio :)

This is what my pop-up shop looked like!

Me sitting on Santa's lap at the Village Bazaar at Cafe Nola wearing one of my originals.

My booth at The Village Bazaar

Hand made elephant stuffed animals I made for my friend Mark to give on Christmas

Christmas Dress I made for my niece Harper

Cute baby dress and infinity scarfs I made for Christmas gifts!

Harper in her Christmas dress!

I made a patch and cape for Myles to complete his pirate outfit!!!

My etsy pile!! Stay tuned, I am finally updating my shop :)

Liz in a cocktail dress I made for a party in D.C

My window display at Venus on the Half Shell

Me in one of my originals at my show!

This is the only photo I got of the back of my dress haha, but I wanted to show the low back.

Anika and Judy modeling my dresses in the window.

I hope you enjoyed these photos! Stay tuned for updates on my new projects!

Becky Jane